Recitals and performances are an integral part of the dance experience!

Families love to see their dancers on stage; performing is a great experience for a child.

At Joyful Heart Dance, we love to offer opportunities for performing.

We choose age-appropriate (Dad approved!) costumes, choreography and music. We strive to keep our costs as low as possible.

We have offered various Recital Experiences since beginning our program in 2011.

Some Recitals Are: classroom performances, small stage, big stage, and in between.

Each year we take an inventory to get a feel for what type of Recital will best serve our students and families!

Children usually perform in costume. Costumes are either ordered near the first of the year from a costume company and/ or rented from our extensive Costume Closet!

I can assure you that, unlike other dance studios, you will not spend Father's Day Weekend at Recital Rehearsals and Performances. 

The Recital is not a big time commitment on families. 

Because we believe Dance Class should be part of your life and not the whole thing!